Next round of CIOSP4 GAO Protests have started again. An area to note with the solicitation evaluation is that companies self-scored points for their contract value and the area of work for that contract. NITAAC has the Past Performance evaluation in Phase III. Something to consider is that if NITAAC can't validate the contract amount or subject area the contractor performs, they would lose points. At this point there is a potential for a company to have self-scored a 9800 and if NITAAC can't confirm the Past Performance, in essence that company could have a final score of 9300 theoretically. The companies that were excluded with a higher score have been eliminated. Is this considered a fair evaluation? Therefore, my point is that there are some legitimate reasons to protest this procurement as it has been sloppy from the beginning. There are only 2 fair options in my opinion, cancel and re-issue the procurement with tighter evaluation criteria, or award to everyone. Award to everyone will dilute the value as with GSA STARS III, FAA eFast, SeaPort, etc. The saga continues.......
at this point CIO-SP4 should be a drinking game...everyone take a shot when a company protests 😂
the saga continues indeed ...
The bid that will never end...
Can someone please read the actual RFP? This validation was done in Phase I and the current letters from NITAAC say that this has already been done. Phase III past performance evaluation is the 3 PPQs you submitted. The lawyers are selling protests and industry is buying. They're the only ones making any money off CIOSP4. LOLOLOL